Monday, September 7, 2009

My new studio....

Its small and modest but a dream come very own studio. My boss at my day job has agreed to rent space to me in the apartment upstairs. I have been back to work since school started a week and a half ago!!! I'm in heaven.


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura, it's very nice and comfy. I can see you in it. So, do you sit on the floor? The table looks low.

CAO said...

Anonymous? No, it's me CAO :D.

Laura said...

Hey, whoever you are...hehehehe

Good to see you're comment...nope I sit on the stool...giggle.
When I worked at home I never sat while I drew...always stood at the table working in a down position, kind of hovering over the table...believe it or not...this is basically the same only my tush is on a padded stool...hehehe...This room is comfy and quiet. No distractions ;) -LAURA

CAO said...

Ouch, my aching back just imagining that :D. Of course you blessed women always have better backs than us stiffy men ;).