Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Necrophobia....The fear of dead things.........

Why do I have such an aversion to "DEAD THINGS"?!!!!! Eeeeuuuuw........

While mowing my "postage stamp" as Lorrie would call my tiny patch of heaven....I almost ran over a.....(gulp) dead bird!!!! Eeeeuuuuuw! I can barely look at something dead and it makes my stomache turn into a lump. I do not feel sick like I'm going to pay homage to the porcelain gods...it just makes me freeze up and want to look away and ignore it's lifeless presence.

SOooooo before the kids notice what I'm up to...they are playing about 5 feet away from the deceased pile of feathers.....I grab a shovel and scoop it up. Trying to ignore the fact that I am carrying a shovel foul of dead bird....I walk to the dumpster. I look at the shovel about half way across the street...(shudder)....ayup....it's still there and still dead. I make it to the dumpster...the last resting place of unwanted belongings, trash and dead birds. I swing the shovel over the lip and with a twist of my hands release the bird to it's last flight. With a small thump I hear it land at it's last layover before heading to the local landfill tomorrow morning.

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