Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New update

Have begun working on other rocks in this piece. While working on this I have been thinking about how long these particular rocks have been around and the stories they could tell if they could speak. So in my imagination that is what they are doing :)


Patty Ruthe said...

My name is Patty and I am a rock lover. These rocks are fantastic - so life-like. I agree, the rocks have stories to tell, just like the wind, the river, and all things in nature.

Alex said...

Wow and more wow! :) I know that this will take a lot of patience to do so, and the progress has been a great journey for all of us as well. Keep it coming! ^^

Revelle Taillon said...

These are awesome! Never could draw a rock when I've tried, but I have rocks all over my house, in my garden that i pick up everywhere!

Timaree said...

It's certainly shaping up to look like rocks. I enjoyed seeing the progress up to this stage.

Christie said...

Gorgeous - the humble pencil is a proud thing in your hands!

Krista Meister said...

Very nice attention to detail! Looking forward to seeing it in final format.