Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another update.............

Have been working all over, but there is still so much more to do. The difficult part is trying to maintain the negative space in and among the rocks. It is easy to lose them in the shadows. This is requiring a wide range of values and many layers of graphite ranging from H, 2H, 2HB, 3B, 5B, and even 9B as my darkest value.
Thanks for looking!


Em said...

I am really enjoying watching this progress! Very inspiring, and I hope I can draw like you one day! :)

Laura said...

I am glad you ae enjoying this and once you have revivd those drawing muscles(brain/memory and hand) you will be amazed at what you are able to do!

Laura said...

P.S. I wont be amazed because I already see your potential...hehehe

Ann said...

This is coming along beautifully!

Revelle Taillon said...

Try http://www.squidoo.com/TheExtraordinaryPencil for even darker types of pencil effects! Your drawing is lovely!

Ramona Davidson said...

Your are definitely talented. Great work. Can't wait to see it completed.

Aurileide Alves said...

Your work is really nice. But I got really impressed and fascinated by your studio! Some day I´ll not bother my family because they can´t have dinner at the table because all my stuff is there just to paint some draws. Great!