Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another update.............

Have been working all over, but there is still so much more to do. The difficult part is trying to maintain the negative space in and among the rocks. It is easy to lose them in the shadows. This is requiring a wide range of values and many layers of graphite ranging from H, 2H, 2HB, 3B, 5B, and even 9B as my darkest value.
Thanks for looking!

Friday, October 23, 2009

trying to get a closer to real life image

I worked on this a wee bit more...added another figure...look for mother and child. I found a half way descent photo editor and this image looks closer to real life.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New update

Have begun working on other rocks in this piece. While working on this I have been thinking about how long these particular rocks have been around and the stories they could tell if they could speak. So in my imagination that is what they are doing :)